• ION-2023-Vests_0005_48222-4165
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SKU: 48222-4165

ION Vector Vest Core Front Zip 2023



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The Vector Vest Core Front Zip is the perfect entry level impact vest. Strategically placed paddings make the vest perfect for kiteboarding and offer enough freedom of movement even with harness. The vest provides reliable protection on the front and back. Thanks to the easy-entry front zipper, getting in and out functions hassle-free. While riding, the zipper can be stored in a special pouch, making sure it doesn't get it unzipped by accident.

The Vector Vest Core Front Zip meets CE standards.

Easy entry: Central front zip

CE approved according to PPE Directive 89/686/EEC

Zipper garage: Store your zipper in this safe pouch.







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ION Vector Vest Core Front Zip 2023

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