• ION-2021-Harnesses-Windsurf_0009_Fuel
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SKU: 48212-4757

ION Fuel Harness 2024



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ION Fuel Windsurf Harness

Thanks to its technical and sophisticated design, ION's Fuel Windsurf harness is an exceptionally comfortable seat harness that offers great support. A fantastic all-rounder and top choice for all windsurf fanatics with a very attractive price tag!

The harness comes with ION's C_Bar and stainless steel windsurf hook.

C-Bar: The original version of the C-Bar Windsurf bar comes with a stainless steel hook. The tension lever is built to make your life easier while force is distributed symmetrically across the whole bar

PVC Buckle: Standard PVC buckles for easy adjustments

Neoprene_Belt: A new and improved technical feature, designed to increase the feeling of flex, twist and overall comfort of wave and freestyle riding.





ION Harnesses from H20 Sports come with a Spreader Bar & Hook.

If you can't see what your after give the experts a call on 01202 733744.

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ION Fuel Harness 2024

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