• ION-Hoods-Beanies-2020_0005_48200-4175_1
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SKU: 48200-4175

ION Neo Top Hooded Vest 3/2 2024



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In ION's point of view even the smallest items in the product range deserve the same dedication and precision as every complex item. Therefore the NEO ACCESSORIES are a small but essential part of the whole equipment and sometimes these small items decide whether you have a great day on the water or you go home in deep frustration. Extend your session with our selection of NEO ACCESSORIES – protecting you and keeping you warm


Elastic Draw Cord

Cordlock: Let's get down to the nitty-gritty details. A soft cord lock for front zip wetsuits that can be adjusted with only one hand. 

Additionally, it comes in an inconspicuous fashion that won't bother you while riding.

Ear_Holes: for better hearing and orientation

Visor Fixation






ION Wetsuit hooded vests from H20 Sports are available at the best possible price. If you can't see what your after give the experts a call on 01202 733744.

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ION Neo Top Hooded Vest 3/2 2024

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