• OBrien-2024_0001_Celebrity-jr-main
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SKU: 2231118

O'Brien Junior Celebrity Combo Waterski 2024



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Classic Comfort

Our best-selling adult skis, the O'Brien Celebrities, make almost anyone, from newbies to experts, feel right at home on the water! Paired with the easy adjustability and great fit of the X-7 bindings, you'll be skiing in no time. The heightened performance from the ski's side-cut bevel paired with the smooth, predictable control from its dual tunnel make the Celebrities the most versatile combo skis in our line. Lots of surface area provides plenty of lift for effortless deep-water starts, and a flatter, faster rocker line minimizes drag and fatigue so you can enjoy skiing all day long.

Junior 58" Celebrity Ski's

With all the attributes that make the adult Celebrity Combos a best seller, the 58” Jr. Celebrities are the perfect size for preteen to early teenage skiers and lighter adults up to about 120lbs. These shorter, lighter combo skis allow for better manoeuvrability and more fun on the water. They are the perfect way to introduce youngsters to the joys of waterskiing. Paired with our Jr. X-7 sliding adjustable binding, the skier’s confidence will be soaring as they pop out of the water and start cruising around. In order to make deep water starts easier for beginners, the Jr. Celebrities are packaged with a removable stabiliser bar to help hold the skis in place.

Jr - perfect size for preteen to early teenage skiers


Length - 58" / 147cm

Fin - Nylon

Bindings Jr. X7 Adj. Bindings

Foot Size - Jr UK 1-6

O'Brien Celebrity Combo Ski's come with X7 Adj.Bindings

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O'Brien Junior Celebrity Combo Waterski 2024

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